Chop 'Em Down: Independence Day Yarchei Kallah

The plans are drawn, the contractor is ready, the project is about to begin. There’s just one problem… a crabapple tree right where your new extension is planned. What to do?

We can’t just destroy fruit trees, but this is for a legitimate purpose?

Does it matter that no one eats crabapples these days?

The one who will actually cut down the tree is not Jewish- does that make a difference?

Even if you can find a way that cutting down the tree is technically permitted, should it still be avoided?

For answers to all these questions, and more, listen to the shiur by Rabbi Yaakov Nesanel Finkelman from today’s Yarchei Kallah.

The Coffee Table: Part 2

The Coffee Table is a panel discussion and shmooze for women, and an opportunity to chat with other wives and mothers about how you made it through the day, and how you can make it through the next one!

The second session took place this past Tuesday night, and focused on Shalom Bayis, marital harmony. Panelists were Mrs. Aliza Frank (Lakewood), Mrs. Chana Rochel Schachter, and Mrs. Bashie Rothstein. View or listen to the recording here, and see what everyone is talking about!

To submit topics you would like to hear discussed, contact Mrs. Shaynie Goldberger (email) or Mrs. Sara Markowitz (email).

Three Exciting Developments

New Kollel Family Joins the Community

We'd like to welcome Rabbi Meir & Mrs. Avigail Mintz to Minneapolis! R' Meir has been learning on the phone with the Kollel since the beginning of the zman, and relocated to the neighborhood just before Shavuos. R' Meir hails from Lakewood, NJ and attended Yeshiva in Detroit, Yeshivas Brisk in Eretz Yisroel, and Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. Mrs. Mintz, nee Zauderer, grew up in Los Angeles. They have two children, Baila and Faigy. We wish the Mintzes much success here in their new endeavor! When conditions allow, we hope everyone gets a chance to meet the Mintzes in person- hopefully soon!

Kollel Beis Medrash Reopens for the Kollel Yungeleit

The Kollel has implemented procedures upon Rabbinic and medical instruction that allows the Kollel Rabbis resume their studies in-person in our Bais Medrash. Protective measures include plexiglass barriers, masks, and restrictions on shared touchpoints. The Kollel's cleaning service will sanitize regularly according to the latest guidelines. Please note that access to the Kollel building is restricted to Kollel staff only. May the learning of the Kollel Rabbis and everyone else in our community continue to safegaurd us from all harm! As always, if anyone would like a chavrusa, or would like to explore any sort of learning opportunity, please email us at

Save the Date: Dinner Date and Event Details

Our 20th annual dinner/event will take place on Tuesday, July 7th. Stay tuned for more about the honorees and remote program.

The Coffee Table: New Series for Women Begins

Yesterday, a new series for women debuted to great acclaim. The Coffee Table is a panel discussion and shmooze for women, and an opportunity to chat with other wives and mothers about how you made it through the day, and how you can make it through the next one!

The first session focused on chinuch and parenting, with introductory words of chizuk from Rebbetzin Suri Gibber. Panelists were Mrs. Tzipporah Greenberg, Mrs. Estee Kahan (Monsey), Mrs. Reva Friedman (Atlanta), Mrs. Shoshana Friedler, and Mrs. Sari Breiner. Over 60 women participated- view or listen to the recording here, and see what everyone is talking about!

To submit topics you would like to hear discussed, contact Mrs. Shaynie Goldberger (email) or Mrs. Sara Markowitz (email).

Chol Hamoed Shiurim Uplift, Inform, and Inspire

It was at once inspiring, uplifting, and informative. Over the past three days over fifty people tuned in to engaging shiurim about various Pesach themes. The shiurim were dedicated to the merit of the Rosh Kollel and all those ill in our community. Besides for the opportunity to hear in-depth Torah thoughts from illustrious Torah personalities, those in (virtual) attendance we’re privileged to hear the Rosh Kollel thank the community from his hospital room, and witness Rabbi Lieff do a special dance in the Rosh Kollel’s honor. The shiurim were delivered by Rabbi Yechiel Mordechai Gibber, R”M in Mesivta of Long Beach, HaRav Dovid Schustal, Rosh Yeshiva of Bais Medrash Govoha In Lakewood, NJ, and HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Rav of Agudas Yisrael Bais Binyomin in New York (and Former Rav of Bais Yisroel in Minneapolis).


You can download, watch, or hear all of the shiurim by clicking on the links below.

HaRav Yechiel Mordechai Gibber Topic: אכילת מצה

HaRav Dovid Schustal, Shlit”a Topic: בל יראה ובל ימצא

HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Shlit”a Topic: ביטול חמץ (Followed by Inspiration starts at around 45 min. in)

To receive updates about classes, shiurim, and other learning opportunities please visit our Virtual Bais Medrash often or sign up for email updates. If you’d prefer to be contacted via WhatsApp, send me a WhatsApp message at 301.651.6985.

Remote Learning Opportunities

Dear Friends,

Over the past week we’ve been learning with tremendous intensity, remotely, but with the same diligence and fervor as always. As we enter the month of Nissan, the Kollel will be wrapping up the winter semester on Sunday, and all regularly scheduled chavrusos and classes will resume (hopefully in person!) on Sunday, April 26th. 

That said, now is not a time to relax our learning schedules. We recognize that many people may want help with preparing for the Seder or for Pesach, or may just want an hour to learn something with a Kollel Rabbi over the phone or video conference. We would like to offer our services to the community. If you would like a half hour or an hour with a Kollel Rabbi to learn about Pesach or whatever, please send me an email and we’ll try to arrange!

I'm Encouraged

I’m encouraged!

I’m encouraged by your spirit. I’m encouraged by your sacrifice. I’m encouraged by your faith!

I’m encouraged by the yungeleit who, despite being cooped up in apartments with their children all day, are still able to learn with eagerness and positivity!

I’m encouraged by the community members who have made it a point to keep their chavrusos over the phone!

I’m encouraged by those who continue to support the study of Torah in an extremely uncertain economic situation!

This is the greatest challenge most of us have faced, and we’re all trying to figure it out...but, from what I’ve seen so far...I’m encouraged.

We will continue providing appropriate learning opportunities to the community remotely. If you have any good ideas, let me know!!

On behalf of the entire Kollel, have a safe, healthy, and happy Shabbos!


Kollel COVID-19 Update

Dear Friends,
In keeping with the instructions of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and medical experts, the Kollel Bais Medrash will be closed until further notice.
Everyone should do their utmost to continue learning and davening despite this challenging situation.
May Hashem protect us and all of Klal Yisroel,

HaRav Chaim S. Gibber              
Rabbi Moshe Spiro        
Rabbi Avigdor Goldberger

Kollel COVID-19 Update

Dear Friends,

Considering the current coronavirus pandemic, here are some updates:

General community guidelines: The rabbanim in our community have published a letter with some current community guidelines. Please refer to it here.

Cleaning Enhancements in the Kollel

Our cleaning crew has assured us that they continually monitor CDC recommendations, and are currently cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces, including bathrooms, break rooms, and touch-points, to meet those standards.

Should I come to the Kollel?

We ask that anyone who is experiencing symptoms associated with this virus (fever, cough, shortness of breath), to stay home and contact a medical professional. Please don’t come to the Kollel.

If someone can’t attend their regular learning sessions, we encourage them to continue learning remotely. Please let your chavrusa know that you won’t be coming and arrange to learn over the phone or video chat.

We are preparing to hold our annual event, scheduled for May 26th, remotely this year. We will be undergoing our annual campaign as usual, but the event will be in an altered virtual form. Please stay tuned for more details.

We should all strengthen our commitment to davening and learning as a zechus in these uncertain times. If anyone would like to arrange for additional learning, whether in-person or remotely, please let us know.

May Hashem protect us and all of Klal Yisroel,

HaRav Chaim S. Gibber     Rabbi Moshe Spiro      Rabbi Avigdor Goldberger