Dear Friends,
Considering the current coronavirus pandemic, here are some updates:
General community guidelines: The rabbanim in our community have published a letter with some current community guidelines. Please refer to it here.
Cleaning Enhancements in the Kollel
Our cleaning crew has assured us that they continually monitor CDC recommendations, and are currently cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces, including bathrooms, break rooms, and touch-points, to meet those standards.
Should I come to the Kollel?
We ask that anyone who is experiencing symptoms associated with this virus (fever, cough, shortness of breath), to stay home and contact a medical professional. Please don’t come to the Kollel.
If someone can’t attend their regular learning sessions, we encourage them to continue learning remotely. Please let your chavrusa know that you won’t be coming and arrange to learn over the phone or video chat.
We are preparing to hold our annual event, scheduled for May 26th, remotely this year. We will be undergoing our annual campaign as usual, but the event will be in an altered virtual form. Please stay tuned for more details.
We should all strengthen our commitment to davening and learning as a zechus in these uncertain times. If anyone would like to arrange for additional learning, whether in-person or remotely, please let us know.
May Hashem protect us and all of Klal Yisroel,
HaRav Chaim S. Gibber Rabbi Moshe Spiro Rabbi Avigdor Goldberger