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From Har Sinai to Me!
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Dear Friend,
Many people, we found, even those that learn all day, can’t answer basic questions about our Mesorah.
We therefore set out to create an easy-to-use guide that would explain and depict the Mesorah in a clear and easy manner. Since the first printing of this book, it has been enthusiastically received by Roshei Kollel, Menahalim, and Baalei Batim alike. After numerous requests for copies we have decided to undertake a second, limited, printing exclusively for Kollel supporters (min. $72).
Any money donated will go to support the Limud HaTorah of some of the most dedicated and respected yungeleit in the country as well as the hundreds of students who learn with the Kollel; from the most advanced, to the unaffiliated learning about their Yiddishkeit for the first time.
Please consider a donation of $72 to support Limud HaTorah and receive eternal schar, plus a useful book which will surely enhance your family’s understanding of our Mesorah.
If you want more information about the Kollel, just browse the website, or call me on my cell: 301-651-6985. I’d be delighted to talk to you!
Thank you for your consideration.
Rabbi Avigdor Goldberger, Menahel
P.S. The book makes a great gift!