Three Exciting Developments

New Kollel Family Joins the Community

We'd like to welcome Rabbi Meir & Mrs. Avigail Mintz to Minneapolis! R' Meir has been learning on the phone with the Kollel since the beginning of the zman, and relocated to the neighborhood just before Shavuos. R' Meir hails from Lakewood, NJ and attended Yeshiva in Detroit, Yeshivas Brisk in Eretz Yisroel, and Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. Mrs. Mintz, nee Zauderer, grew up in Los Angeles. They have two children, Baila and Faigy. We wish the Mintzes much success here in their new endeavor! When conditions allow, we hope everyone gets a chance to meet the Mintzes in person- hopefully soon!

Kollel Beis Medrash Reopens for the Kollel Yungeleit

The Kollel has implemented procedures upon Rabbinic and medical instruction that allows the Kollel Rabbis resume their studies in-person in our Bais Medrash. Protective measures include plexiglass barriers, masks, and restrictions on shared touchpoints. The Kollel's cleaning service will sanitize regularly according to the latest guidelines. Please note that access to the Kollel building is restricted to Kollel staff only. May the learning of the Kollel Rabbis and everyone else in our community continue to safegaurd us from all harm! As always, if anyone would like a chavrusa, or would like to explore any sort of learning opportunity, please email us at

Save the Date: Dinner Date and Event Details

Our 20th annual dinner/event will take place on Tuesday, July 7th. Stay tuned for more about the honorees and remote program.