We launched a new Daily Learning Initiative in the Community, here is the introductory letter:
Dear friends, members of the Minneapolis Torah Community,
This week, we are celebrating a communal Siyum HaShas, a project that was inspired by the Chavrei HaSiyum program of Agudas Yisroel of America. Our community, together with the Torah world at large, has בלי עין הרע seen a great upsurge in לימוד התורה . The Siyum Hashas of the Daf Yomi and the start of the new cycle have effected a positive trend of Torah learning and כבוד התורה . This is an incredible opportunity for us as a community to give this commitment and positive attitude towards לימוד התורה permanence. We therefore encourage all members of the community to join the newly formed “ קביעת עתים Initiative.” This is a group of individuals who commit to concretize learning by committing to the following:
Schedule at least 20 minutes of learning in their daily schedule
Learning should be at a fixed time
Learning should be done in person with a chavrusa, chabura, or shiur (whenever possible)
Official commitment is from Sunday -Thursday. (Friday and Shabbos learning is also strongly encouraged)
Initial commitment is through Shavuos and is בלי נדר
Join those who have already joined: Lev Bakunin. Dovid Biron, Dovid Bodner, Yehoshua Borenstein, Meir Chodos, Adam Crystal, Ari Dorfman, Aaron Dukes, Yaakov Nesanel Finkelman, Stewart Fishman, David Fredman, Arnie Frishman, Yonatan Ghermezian, Avigdor Goldberger, Uriel Gross, Shmuel Hechter, Aharon Helman, Dan Avi Israely, Avrum Kaufmann, Shlomo Kutoff, Tzvi Lichtman, Moshe Livshitz, David Lynn, Ron Mandelbaum, Yaakov Mandelbaum, Eli Markowitz, Michael Morris, Moshe Murray, DJ Paxton, Ed Rapoport, Meyer Roberts, Shlomo Rothstein, Sender Russell, David Schulman, Conrad Segal, Zevi Segal, Avi Shaver, Mark Sherman, Daniel Shertok, Harry Silver, Ephraim Silverberg, Mordechai Skapino, Shragi Smith, Yoni Spar, Moshe Spiro, Sidney Usem, David Weinberg, Michoel Weinberg, Pesach Weinberg, Yehuda Wolin, Avi Yardley, Moshe Zeffren…