Memorial Day Yarchei Kallah: One For the Road

We Jews have a prayer for everything, so why should travel be any different? When you set out on a trip, don't forget to say Tefilas HaDerech, the Traveler's Prayer. That being said, we at the Kollel are big believers that if you want to do things right, you've gotta study up on the relevant laws. The result? A Memorial Day Yarchei Kallah to be remembered. After a Bais Medrash packed with people plumbed the underlying sources, Rabbi Yaakov Kaufman laid it all out on the table with a precise, concise, and incisive shiur that clarified the when, where, and how; down to the details specific to us here in the Twin Cities.

Some of the topics discussed include:

  • How long of a trip requires one to say Tefilas HaDerech?
  • Does where you are going make a difference if you need to say it or not?
  • At what point in the trip do you say it?
  • When do you say Tefilas HaDerech when you are traveling by plane?
  • And more... 

Missed the shiur, or want to hear it again? Listen to the audio below.

It's easier when you can follow along inside- click here for the sources.

Megillas Rus: A Lesson in Chesed

This past Tuesday, the Kollel was graced with a serendipitous visit from Dayan Yehoshua Posen of London, England. While he did not come all the way from London solely to speak in the Kollel, Dayan Posen graciously offered to give a shiur for women on Megillas Rus, which we will read during the upcoming Yom Tov of Shavuos. We had already learned of Dayan Posen's vast Torah knowledge and phenomenal delivery from previous visits to town, so we of course took him up on his offer. The Kollel Library was full that night as Dayan Posen delivered a masterful shiur, as anticipated. (The English accent is always a draw as well.) By know you're probably anxious to hear it for yourself, and I won't hold you back any longer. Enjoy!

What the Early Bird gets (besides the worm)

I don't particularly like worms. In fact, I'm pretty certain most people don't. Perhaps this is why many people fail to take advantage of early bird specials. So, I decided to come up with some other advantages that you can get with the early bird special.
You see, for a couple, the early bird special saves you $50. With that money, you can get:

  1. A gift certificate for some lovely fabric from
  2. A full set of lures to prepare for the fishing opener (including plastic worms)
  3. A set of beautiful metal bookmarks for that very special bookworm
  4. Replacement parts for your commercial kitchen equipment

In short, the possibilities are endless!

Regardless, the early bird special ends on May 11th (next Friday) so take advantage by clicking HERE to register for the Kollel dinner.

The Franks, Lefkowitzes, and Weinrebs will be joining us for the Kollel Dinner this Year

Click HERE to register

Every year, the Kollel banquet is an uplifting and meaningful event, but this year is special. This year marks the 18th year since the Kollel began in 2000. It is only appropriate that the celebration be as meaningful and special as the milestone itself. We are delighted that some of the original Kollel families will be joining us for the dinner this year as we recognize their sacrifice, and dedication that got everything started way back in Y2K. In addition we will recognize HaRav and Rebbetzin Yechezkel Greenberg, themselves part of that first group, for all that they do for our community. Finally, we are proud to recognize Sidney & Mia Usem as the JWAYers of the year. All in all, this year’s dinner will be one to remember!

Please check your mailboxes for formal invitations and join us on May 27th at the Radisson Blu! L’Chaim!!

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Kollel's 18th Year Celebration!

Every year, the Kollel banquet is an uplifting and meaningful event, but this year is special. This year marks the 18th year since the Kollel began in 2000. It is only appropriate that the celebration be as meaningful and special as the milestone itself. We are delighted that some of the original Kollel families will be joining us for the dinner this year as we recognize their sacrifice and dedication that got everything started way back in Y2K. In addition, we will recognize HaRav and Rebbetzin Yechezkel Greenberg, themselves part of that first group, for all that they do for our community. Finally, we are proud to recognize Sidney & Mia Usem as the JWAYers of the year. All in all, this year’s dinner will be one to remember! 
Please check your mailboxes for formal invitations and join us on May 27th at the Radisson Blu! L’Chaim!!

The Complete Pesach Shopping Guide

It's that time of year again- Pesach shopping season! With so much to do in so little time, we all want clear guidelines on what can be used on Pesach and what can't. This past Wednesday, Rabbi Eli Markowitz of CRC Kosher took an overflow crowd of women through the grocery aisles. 

Topics covered included:

  • Which food items do not need Kosher for Pesach certification?
  • Cosmetics
  • Toiletries
  • Medicine
  • And more…

Missed the shiur, or want to hear it again? Listen to or download the audio below.


The Women's Guide to Purim

The Halachos of Purim as they apply to women

Rabbi Eli Markowitz took a closer look at the laws and customs of Purim, focusing on the unique circumstances that women can encounter. He provided clarity in the relevant laws, helping women avoid the stress of not knowing where to prioritize!

Topics included:

  • If one can’t make it to shul for Parshas Zachor
  • Coming late to Megillah reading
  • Cleaning, laundry on Purim
  • Menu requirements for the Purim Seuda (besides the wine!)
  • And much more…

Didn't make it, or want to hear it again? Listen to the audio below.