What the Early Bird gets (besides the worm)

I don't particularly like worms. In fact, I'm pretty certain most people don't. Perhaps this is why many people fail to take advantage of early bird specials. So, I decided to come up with some other advantages that you can get with the early bird special.
You see, for a couple, the early bird special saves you $50. With that money, you can get:

  1. A gift certificate for some lovely fabric from fabricworm.com
  2. A full set of lures to prepare for the fishing opener (including plastic worms)
  3. A set of beautiful metal bookmarks for that very special bookworm
  4. Replacement parts for your commercial kitchen equipment

In short, the possibilities are endless!

Regardless, the early bird special ends on May 11th (next Friday) so take advantage by clicking HERE to register for the Kollel dinner.