The Credit Card Shiur
The use of credit cards can ignite a wide range of halachic questions in diverse areas of the Torah. Rabbi Shmuel Cohen of the Chicago Choshen Mishpat Institute shared insights on real-life questions that were asked to the Institute.
Questions included:
Returning a lost credit card
If one used his friend’s credit card and the friend incurs a late fee, can one give him money for that fee?
Ordering Chometz during Pesach to be delivered after Pesach
If my auto-scheduled payment for my bill falls out on Shabbos, should I change the date of the payment?
If one pays a pledge to tzedaka with a credit card, is it considered fully paid, even though the organization will receive the pledge amount minus the processing fees?
If one is heading towards bankruptcy, can he max out his credit cards first?
And more…
Listen to the audio below for the fascinating discussion!