We are excited to announce that beginning in Elul, we will have three new couples joining us in the Kollel.
Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid & Chaya Gitty Bodner: If you haven’t met him yet, Rabbi Dovid Bodner is a scholar of the highest caliber with an exuberant personality. Originally from Brooklyn, R’ Bodner studied in Yeshivas Heichal HaTorah (R’ Mottel Dick) and Yeshivas Brisk. Before Pesach, R’ Dovid, with his wife Mrs. Chaya Gitty Bodner (daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Pinchas Idstein), came to Minneapolis for the birth of their first child. While Rabbi Bodner began studying with the Kollel then as a temporary arrangement, it quickly became apparent to both the Bodners and the Kollel that the Bodners’ involvement in the Kollel was meant to be more than temporary!
Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov Nesanel & Elisheva Finkelman: The Finkelmans' move to Minneapolis has been in the works for a couple of years now, and is finally happening! R' Finkelman studied in Yeshivas Novominsk and Yagdil Torah in Yerushalayim, and was highly sought after for his scholarship and diligence. In addition, he is the son of noted author and teacher R' Shimon Finkelman of New York. Rabbi and Mrs. Finkelman (nee Brog) will be moving to Minneapolis with their two adorable children Leah and Shmuel Avigdor.
Rabbi & Mrs. Yehuda & Leah Wolin: It's easy to be won over by R' Yehuda's easygoing, L.A. charm. But beneath the relaxed exterior is a serious scholar. R' Yehuda studied in Yeshiva Gedola of Passaic, and Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood and it seems that Minneapolis runs in the family as his brother-in-law's brother is R' J.J. Hutman. Mrs. Wolin (nee Seidman) is excited to be moving to Minneapolis as well together with her husband, two children (Hillel & Aidel), and her close childhood friend Mrs. Finkelman!
On another note, we would like to wish Rabbi Tzvi Lichtman hatzlacha as he moves on to Torah Academy full-time this coming school year.
Thank you so much for making Minneapolis such a desirable place to live!