Business Breakfast: Shabbos & Managing Your Business

Over 30 people took time out of their schedule to learn more about how to run a business in a Shabbos-compliant way, and to enjoy a great breakfast!

Rabbi Shmuel Shapiro, of the Chicago Choshen Mishpat Institute, discussed the potential halachic issues that arise any time there is a business that operates 7 days a week, as in the hospitality or healthcare industries. He presented several solutions that are used by halachic authorities when working with business owners, and discussed the pros and cons of each. To hear the full recording, click on the player below.

The purpose of the Business Breakfast Series is to create awareness of the range of halachic issues that a Jew must know as he navigates today's business world. We hope that the topics discussed at the Business Breakfast serve as a springboard for you to investigate further into the Business Halacha issues that you may be facing in your life. If you have anything you would like to discuss further with the experts at the Chicago Choshen Mishpat Institute, click on the button below.