Purim Highlights!!!! (Pics Below)

We had a great Purim here at the Kollel, and I hope you did as well! With all the costumes, drinks, and revelry, the spiritual side of Purim can sometimes get lost in the fray. This is why we place a special focus on finding some precious time amidst the bustle to learn a little Torah, which helps us focus on the wealth of opportunity of this very holy and special day contains.

On Purim night, the Purim Mesiba (gathering) at the home of Rabbi Yechezkel Greenberg kicked off with a chavrusa study session, followed by insights from Rabbi Greenberg. The mesiba then launched into lively Purim music and dancing. Thank you to Rabbi Yaakov Eliyahu Mandelbaum for spearheading this year's session.

On Purim day, the Kollel hosted a father-son learning session, known across the globe as "Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik". The Kollel Bais Medrash was filled with the sweet sound of children learning Torah. Thank you to Rabbi Meyer Roberts for arranging this program and other children's programming throughout the year.

Check out the pics below! Thanks to all who came!

When You Think About It, Purim's An Odd Holiday

As Jews, we're usually a pretty reserved bunch. We're not about wild parties and wanton revelry, yet in many Jewish homes and synagogues you'll find what seems to be exactly that; as Gus Brown, the custodian in the Philadelphia Yeshiva used to call it, Purim is the "Jewish Drunk Day!" How should we approach this holy day of Purim, and how can we use it to find meaning. Luckily, we have Rabbi Uriel Gross who will give us the Maharal's approach to this holiday. 

The Business Breakfast: Yichud in the Workplace

As part of our ongoing Business Breakfast Series, Rabbi Ephraim Friedman, a Dayan in the CRC Beis Din, gave a shiur in the Kollel about Yichud in the workplace. If you missed it or just want a review, you can view pics or download the audio below. 

If you would like to email any specific questions to the Chicago Business Halacha Institute about this or any other topic, click HERE.

Kollel-Kenesseth Israel Yarchei Kallah is a Smashing Success

ki kollel yk logo.png

Yesterday, the Kollel held a Presidents' Day Weekend Yarchei Kallah at Kenesseth Israel. It was extremely heartwarming to see the almost 50 people that attended to enjoy a seudas hodaah (meal of thanks) sponsored by Avi Yardley and prepared by Peter Runge and then to learn with the Kollel Rabbis about the laws of Mezuzah. The event climaxed in a multimedia shiur I gave with some help from Torahlive.com, which added stunning visuals to the topic. The phenomenal outcome of yesterday's program is a tribute to Rabbi Yakov Skolnick of the Kollel and Rabbi Mordechai Kalatsky of KI, who worked tirelessly to make this event the success that it was. Rest assured there will be more events like this in the future!

See below for pictures and audio from the event.


140 Generous Donors Donate $50k to the JWAY in 24 Hours

Wow! What a day!!

What began as a crowd-funding campaign on Charidy.com at 1 PM yesterday turned into much more than we expected!

We started off with a goal of 24K in 24 Hours, thanks to our generous matchers: LTC Solutions, RM Management, S3 Inc. and the Kollel Board.

Success breeds success. 

When we reached our goal after just 5 hours, things got really exciting. One donor challenged us with 6K more in match money. Another donor then stepped up and pledged an additional 10K if we reached 36K before time ran out.

All told, thanks to the generosity of many and the extraordinary efforts or Rabbi Cohen and his crew (Thanks Ian ;)) the JWAY now has 50k more ways to- as one of of our JWAYers put it- "Create an atmosphere of warmth and a platform for genuine, organic exploration of Jewish ideas." 

The Business Breakfast: Estate Planning

Dayan Yehoshua Posen

Dayan Yehoshua Posen

It's a topic we don't like thinking about, but a little foresight goes a long way. This Thursday, in the latest installment in our popular Business Breakfast series, over 40 people gathered to hear about estate planning and Halachic wills. Dayan Yehoshua Posen, of the Federation Beis Din of London, delivered a clear and incisive shiur on how best to ensure that your intentions for your estate are carried out, both legally and in Halacha, as well as important points to keep in mind when making those decisions. Download or listen to the shiur by clicking below.

Minneapolis Gains City Status with the Birons' Arrival

Welcoming the Birons at MSP Airport From Left: Rabbi Yossi Lowinger (with Yaakov) Rabbi Yechezkel Greenberg, HaRav Chaim S. Gibber, Me (with Elya), Rabbi Adam Crystal

This week we welcomed our newest Kollel family, Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid and Avigayil Biron to Minneapolis. Rabbi Biron is originally from Los Angeles and Mrs. Biron hails from Denver. With the Biron's arrival the Kollel now has ten full-time Rabbis- something of particular significance. Because, as the Talmud in Megillah tells us, a village doesn't become a city unless there are ten full-time Torah scholars. Mrs. Biron will be working in the office at Torah Academy while Rabbi Biron joins the Kollel. With the Birons the Kollel now has 15 families. If you haven't met the newer arrivals: Breiner, Gross, Kaufman, Rupp and now Biron families, now's your chance! You'll be delighted you did!

11 Weeks to Cheirus Kicks off

Can you believe that Pesach is only 11 weeks away? AHHH!!

Now is the time to start preparing. One way to do so is by attending Rabbi Uriel Gross's Chaburah studying the Maharal's approach to everything Pesach. The shiur will include the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim, the mitzvos of Pesach, and the Haggadah. All attendees are sure to have a whole new understanding of the events of the founding of our nation come this year's Pesach seder.

Here is the Audio of the first shiur.