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Kollel United

In conjunction with the international Kollel movement

You are invited to join a historic day of learning and chizuk with Torah Communities worldwide

One Day. One Nation. One Mission. 

100 Community Kollelim


9:00 AM CDT Chavrusa learning with our local Kollel over Zoom (Zoom link- meeting ID 846 5630 2295)
10:00 AM Join livestream Shiur on Birchas HaTorah with Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu, Av Bais Din of European Beth Din
Available at or, or call 718-298-2077 x48

Join us again later for the Evening Chizuk Event

Available at the links above
8:00 PM HaRav Shlomo Miller, Rosh Kollel, Kollel Avreichim of Toronto
8:10 PM HaRav Uren Reich, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva of Woodlake
8:45 PM HaRav Yissachar Frand, Rosh Yeshiva, Ner Yisrael, Baltimore

Available for download at Marei mekomos/source materials for the Shiur by Dayan Ehrentreu, as well as expanded Marei Mekomos on the entire topic of Birchas Hatorah. Booklets of the source materials for the shiur will be available before Shabbos outside of Congregation Bais Yisroel.