The Intersection of Pas Yisroel & Bishul Yisroel
The enactment of Bishul Yisroel, that many (otherwise kosher) cooked foods are not permitted without involvement of a Jew in the cooking process, is universally applicable. In contrast, the enactment of Pas Yisroel, to only allow bread which a Jew is involved in the baking, has a significant leniency accepted by many, which allows commercially baked items even from non-Jews.
Questions arise at the junction of these two areas of halacha. When does securing Pas Yisroel status jeopardize its permissibility in the realm of Bishul Yisroel? Specifically, what are some halachic distinctions if the bakery is Jewish-owned?
Join us this July 4th as we explore this fascinating and relevant topic.
with Rabbi Uriel Gross
9:20 AM Danishes & Coffee
9:25 Chavrusa Learning
10:00 Shiur with Rabbi Gross