A Pre-Chanukah evening of art, light, and enlightenment
Join us for an unforgettable evening of friends, inspiration and painting! Gain insight into the upcoming holiday of Chanukah while an artist guides you step-by-step through the featured painting. Then take home the inspiration, and your new masterpiece!
Pinot's Palette is a popular paint venue in St. Louis Park. Typically $38 a session, we have a special offer for just $15. You don't need to be a member of W.P.I.T. to join.
IMPORTANT: There are only 40 spots. So reserve your slot now by filling out the form below. If you sign-up and are after the first 40, we'll put you on the waiting list and try to get you in. If you can't attend, we'll refund any money. Sorry about the inconvenience.